
October 18, 2015

Our House!

I figured it was about time to post some pictures of our house now that we have lived here for you know... over four months..... Things have been pretty busy around here and I just haven't gotten around to it. But, they are up now!! These pictures are from the listing, when we looked at the house and when we first moved in. We have already changed some stuff, but I don't have any decent pictures of the changes. Hopefully during winter break (less than two months away!) I will be able to take some nice pictures of the projects we have done. Also I am really hoping to be able to get quite a few projects finished up in the first two and a half weeks of December before we fly back to the West Coast!

We are on a corner lot and this is the view from the intersection.

The entry way. Front door is to the right and the picture was taken from the dining room. The door in the hallway is to the guest bathroom.

The dining room. Picture was taken from the kitchen. The light fixture is going to be changed out and I am excited about my plans for the new light fixture, and hopefully it will be up by December! Also we have plans to put in cabinets to create a dry bar/buffet/china hutch on the right wall. Below is a rough mock up.

Not the best picture, but you get an idea of how the entry way and dining room connect.

The kitchen. Picture was taken from the dining room.

The kitchen from another angle. Picture was taken from the hallway.

The living room. Picture taken from the back door. The room is now painted grey!

View from the living room into the master bedroom.

View from the back door to the front of the house.

And a picture of the empty room when we moved in taken from the master bedroom door.

Master bedroom. Picture taken from one of the corners. We are going to paint this room blue, but just need to find the time to get it painted which will hopefully happen in December.

Empty master bedroom from when we first moved in. Picture was taken from the living room doorway.

Master bathroom. We have plans to make that door a wall and make another closet on that side of the room. This room is going to be painted light grey in December! The door off the hallway you see is the guest room and you can barley see the dining room through the hallway.

View of the bathroom from the master bedroom doorway. We took those cabinets down so that we could stack our washer and dryer and have more space in the closet that will eventually be there.

The shower in the master bedroom.

The hallway looking from the master bathroom doorway to the kitchen. Someone decided that it would be a lovely idea to fill the hole left from moving the air return with leftover backsplash from the kitchen. Also the trim around the tile is higher than the floor and the tile is lower than the floor, which means there are three floor heights. When we create the closet in the master bath, the plan is to take some of the flooring from inside the closet and patch this in a much better way. We are looking forward to having one floor height and not stub toes walking in the hallway. Anyway, enough about the hallway floor...

This is the only picture I have of the guest room from when we were looking at the house. This is our guest room/craft room/office. It is painted and new furniture is there! I got halfway through unpacking and organizing all my craft stuff before school started so the room is still a bit disheveled... 

Guest bathroom is across from the guest room in the hallway. This room is going to get painted as well because it feels like a cave painted charcoal. I'm thinking a cream, but haven't settled on a color yet.

The back of the house. It is amazing how much that landscaping has grown since this picture was taken until now!!

The backyard with a fire pit!

So that is the whole house! We have enjoyed doing some projects already around the house and are excited about our plans for future projects! We are going back and correcting some projects that were done by previous owners, like the hallway floor and putting baseboards up as crown molding. Overall, we have loved learning about taking care of a home and doing projects around the house. I doubt that I will be updating the blog with any house projects before winter break, but hopefully I will be able to post about all of our completed and in progress projects in December! Thanks for reading!!