
October 13, 2012

New Town, New Adventure

We are moving to Nashville!!!!!!

Gavin got offered a position with Jackson National last Friday and accepted! Originally he had interviewed for this same position in Denver, but there were not openings in the program there and the company was not sure when it would open up. However, they told Gavin there was the same position currently open and hiring in Nashville, TN. He applied the next day, had a phone interview a week later and was offered the position during the phone interview. It was so quick it almost took me by surprise!

We have never been to Nashville, but are excited to see what God has in store for us there. Gavin starts the 24th of October (a week from Wednesday!!) so we are leaving either the 18th or 19th to drive across the country. We are super excited to drive across the country and see a lot of the United States we have never seen before. We will be driving through Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Missouri, and lastly Tennessee.

Once we get to Nashville we will go look at apartments that we have been doing research on and looking at online.

We are so excited about all the changes that are headed our way! I will be updating this blog all along the way, so check back every couple of days to read about our new adventure!

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